In the twilight hours of the digital realm, a mysterious app emerged from the shadows, shrouded in secrecy and brimming with allure. Threads, Twitter’s enigmatic rival, captured the collective imagination as it lured in an astonishing 100 million users to its...
In the labyrinth of the tech world, where secrets are whispered and rivalries simmer, a mysterious development has sent shockwaves through the realm of navigation and tracking services. Amidst the fierce competition, Google has been working tirelessly on its enigmatic “Find...
In a world where digital maps dictate our every move, a suspenseful tale is unraveling – an alliance shrouded in mystery and ambition. Four tech giants, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, and TomTom, have forged an unprecedented collaboration, driven by a shared mission...
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Meta, formerly known as Facebook, stands as an indisputable titan. With an ever-expanding user base, the platform’s claim of having 3 billion users has left many intrigued, questioning the reality behind such an astronomical...
Microsoft Faces a European Union antitrust Investigation for bundling its Teams communications app with its popular Office suite, due to concerns that the company might be excluding competitors. Key points: The European Union (EU) has opened a formal antitrust investigation into...
Meta Platforms Inc. reported second-quarter earnings on July 26, 2023. The company is forecasting revenue growth of 11% year-over-year to $32 billion, which is the fastest rate of growth since 2021. Meta’s second-quarter earnings were not as good, it has incurred...
Twitter rebranded as ‘X’, blocked in Indonesia owing to previous connections to “negative” content. Why is banned in Indonesia? Indonesia has strict rules that aim to curb online pornography and gambling, and as a result, the government blocked in...
On July 24, 2023, Monday, TikTok, which is a very popular video app owned by a company called ByteDance, made an exciting announcement. TikTok is adding a new feature alongside live videos, photos, duets, and stitches. This new feature called “text...
Spotify is increasing its single-account premium plan prices in the U.S. and several other countries. Spotify Premium Price increase will go into effect on August 1, 2023, for new subscribers and on September 1, 2023, for existing subscribers. Spotify has become...
Apple and Samsung Display are reportedly working on a new type of OLED panel that would allow for a truly bezel-less iPhone. The panel would use a technology called under-panel camera (UPC), which would allow the camera and other sensors to...
Users in ten newly added areas can now share unique content with their followers through this update. They are expanding their creator membership program. With this update, users can now share unique content with their followers in ten additional locations within...
In today’s inclusive society, it is essential to ensure that digital content can be used by everyone. Google’s Google Workspace has undergone a significant upgrade as a contribution to this effort. Users now find it simple to add descriptions to images...