Once-hyped Humane AI Pin is Struggling, What went Wrong?

Humane AI Pin

The Humane AI Pin, once a darling of tech blogs and a contender for “Best Invention” honours, is facing a rocky road. Launched with much fanfare in April 2024, the AI-powered wearable has seen its initial excitement fizzle due to lacklustre performance and a hefty price tag.

The pin promised to be a revolutionary personal AI assistant, boasting features like voice commands and a unique laser display. However, reviewers found the reality fell short. Critics pointed to slow response times, limited functionality compared to existing smartphones, and a reliance on a constant network connection. The $700 price tag, coupled with a $24 monthly subscription fee, only amplified the disappointment.

Adding to the woes, the Humane AI Pin wasn’t the only game in town. The more affordable Rabbit R1, offering a traditional pocket AI assistant form factor and a lower price point, entered the market around the same time, drawing comparisons and potentially stealing potential customers.

Humane Inc. hasn’t publicly commented on the situation, but whispers abound. The company reportedly laid off a portion of its staff earlier this year, and rumours suggest they’re actively seeking a buyer. This could be a sign that Humane is struggling to adapt to the negative reception and may be looking to offload the project.

The future of the Humane AI Pin remains uncertain. Whether the company can address the pin’s shortcomings, lower the price, or find a buyer with a different vision is yet to be seen. One thing’s for sure, the road to success for this ambitious wearable has taken a sharp turn.


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