Elon Musk: Neuralink Brain Chip Implanted in a Human

Neuralink Brain Chip

Elon Musk’s Neuralink has recently made significant progress in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), causing a stir in the IT industry. A Neuralink brain chip was implanted in a human. The company’s most recent version, which goes by the name “Mew,” is a big step ahead in terms of functionality and simplification, raising ethical and exciting considerations about the future of this revolutionary technology.


Elon Musk established the neurotechnology startup Neuralink in 2016 to create brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Their most famous invention is a tiny implantable chip that may be able to improve human skills for people without disabilities and possibly restore function in those with neurological impairments.

Neuralink Brain Chip

A surgical process is used to implant the Neuralink chip, which is roughly the size of a small coin, into the brain. The chip has more than a thousand tiny electrodes that are used to record neural activity. After that, the data is wirelessly transferred to a computer, where it might be utilized to enhance human intelligence or operate other devices.

Neuralink brain chip implanted in human 

Elon Musk’s Neuralink successfully implanted its first brain chip in a human, a major turning point for the neurotechnology industry. According to the reports, the first human with the Neuralink implant, known as “Link,” is recovering well from the surgery.

Elon Musk shared the news on social media platform X, saying, “The first human received an implant from Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well.” He also added, “Initial results show promising neuron spike detection.”

Brain Chip Technology

The main focus of brain chip technology was to develop implants or other gadgets that could communicate with the human brain. Medical uses of these technologies, such as treating neurological conditions or improving brain function, were frequently being investigated. 

Neuralink Brain Chip – What Does It Do?

Some of the potential applications of the Neuralink Brain Chip are as follows:

  • Restoring lost function: The Neuralink chip can help users with neurological disorders, paralysis, or spinal cord injuries to control prosthetics or other assistive technology with their thoughts.
  • Treating neurological disorders: The chip can be used to treat various neurological disorders, like Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and depression.
  • Enhancing human capabilities: People without disabilities can also potentially use the Neuralink chip to enhance memory, learning, and cognitive abilities.

Brain Chip Implant

A brain chip implant, sometimes referred to as a brain-computer interface (BCI), is a device that can be surgically inserted into the brain to record or stimulate electrical activity. Then, external gadgets like computers, prosthetic limbs, or even other people’s brains can be controlled by this neurological activity.

Neuralink Brain Chip

Advantages and Disadvantages of Brain Chip


  • Restoring lost function: They can control prosthetics, assistive devices, or even wheelchairs, restoring a sense of independence and mobility.
  • Treating neurological disorders: They can regulate abnormal brain activity, alleviate symptoms, and improve quality of life.
  • Enhancing human capabilities: They can help in improving memory, learning new languages faster, or even boosting creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Communication and interaction: They can also help in enabling direct thought-to-text communication or even allow for brain-to-brain interaction.


  • Ethical concerns: The ability to record and potentially manipulate brain activity raises questions about data ownership, hacking risks, and the potential for discrimination based on brain data.
  • Safety and health risks: Brain surgery carries inherent risks of infection, bleeding, and tissue damage.
  • Accessibility and affordability: Since BCIs are complex and expensive technologies, there may be a gap between those who can afford them and those who cannot. Fair access to this technology is essential to preventing inequality in society from getting worse already.
  • Psychological and societal impact: It is important to consider how BCIs will affect our sense of identity, autonomy, and social relationships.

How much does the Neuralink Brain Chip cost?

The cost of the implant has not been disclosed by Neuralink. It is predicted that the treatment would cost approximately $10,500 (£8,300) and that insurance companies would ultimately pay $40,000, or £31,500, for it in the United States.

Neuralink has the potential to revolutionize the way we treat neurological disorders and even enhance human capabilities. It will be interesting to see how this technology develops in the coming years; until then, stay connected with Oreonow.

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