Jump Aero’s Flying Ambulance JA1 Pulse flies at 288mph speed

California bases company Jump Aero unveiled its new “spaceship-like” flying ambulance, JA1 Pulse. It is an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that is specially designed for first responders and medical supplies. They can easily and quickly reach the emergency scenes with the help of JA1 Pulse.

JA1 Pulse has a speed of 250 knots along with a payload of 330 pounds. It can carry a pilot and emergency supplies and can fly for two hours on a single charge. It has a 200-mile range. Its goal is to reach emergency scenes in 8 minutes.

It has a significant impact as ground ambulances usually take around 15 minutes or more, especially in rural areas. JA1 Pulse will be helpful in critical conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and other life-threatening events.

JA1 Pulse is designed to achieve a number of things:

Reduce emergency response times

The speed of JA1 is much faster than that of traditional ground ambulance. So it can reach patients, especially in rural and remote areas much faster which can save so many lives suffering in critical conditions.

Provide advanced medical care 

This ambulance can carry a pilot paramedic who can properly treat patients on the way to hospitals.

Improve access to healthcare

JA1 Pulse can reach those areas where it is not possible for a ground ambulance to reach like in rural areas or disaster zones.

Check out the following features of Jump Aero JA1 Pulse


JA1 Pulse can fly at the speed of 280 mph, which is much faster than a ground ambulance. It can reach patients in emergency situations much faster and can save them from life-or-death situations.


It has a range of 200 miles which will be enough for areas in the United States. It will be helpful for both rural and urban areas.


It has a payload of 330 pounds, in which it carries a pilot paramedic along with emergency supplies. Pilot paramedics can treat patients on their way to the hospital.


It is a very safe flying ambulance as it has a number of propellers and motors. If one fails, another will work for a safe landing of the aircraft.

Ease of Use

It is designed to be easy to fly even if the pilots have limited experience, so the first responders can reach the scene quickly without much worry about safety.

Check out these specifications of JA1 Pulse

Crew1 Pilot Paramedic
Payload330 pounds
Range200 miles
Speed250 knots
PropulsionDistributed Electric Propulsion
Dimensions26 x 26 x 10 feet
Weight1200 pounds
Medical EquipmentStretcherOxygen tankDefibrillatorBlood Pressure MonitorPulse oximeterStethoscopeMedications and medical supplies
Mode of FlySemi-Autonomous Autopilot System
Communication SystemCellularSatelliteRadio
Technical SystemsNight vision system avoidance  system
Obstacle avoidance system
Automated landing system

Falck Ambulance Services has already ordered JA1 Pulse from Jump Aero to provide emergency medical services in rural and remote areas.

JA1 Pulse is still developing but it has the potential to completely change emergency medical services by reducing response time and saving patients to improve the quality of life for people all around the world. Let’s see what wonders will JA1 Pulse do when it is out, till then stay connected with oreonow.

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