Spotify AI Playlist: Spotify’s New Feature Creates a Personalized Playlist

AI Playlist

Do you also get confused while looking for a song to listen to? Like you know you want to listen to this kind of music but you’re not sure what song to pick. Stop getting stuck in here because Spotify has got your back with a brand new feature called “AI Playlist”. Isn’t it amazing to have a super smart DJ assistant who can suggest a perfect song according to your mood?

All you have to do is type a sentence describing what kind of music you’re in the mood for. Want something upbeat for cleaning the house? Try “Energetic pop anthems to conquer my chores!” Feeling stressed? “Calming music to melt away the day’s worries” might be perfect.

The AI will then whip up a playlist filled with songs that match your description. Think of it as a personalized radio station, but you control the mood!

How does Spotify AI Playlist Work?

  1. Open the Spotify app and go to Your Library.
  2. Tap the “+” button in the top right corner.
  3. Select “AI Playlist” from the menu.

You’ll be able to choose from suggested prompts or write your own. The more specific you are, the better the playlist will be tailored to your preferences.

Remember that this feature is still being tested, so it’s not available to everyone just yet. But if you have Spotify Premium and live in Australia or the UK, you might be able to try it out!

So next time you’re looking for the perfect playlist, ditch the browsing and tell Spotify’s AI what you’re feeling. You might just discover your new favourite song!


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