iPhone 16 Display Revolution: New iPhone 16 Rumoured for Larger Screens!

iPhone 16

Calling all iPhone fans! Ever wished your iPhone screen was a little, well, bigger? If rumours are true, Apple might be listening to the upcoming iPhone 16. Especially for the Pro models, whispers suggest Apple is getting ready to supersize the screen!

iPhone 16 to get a bigger display screen

The talk of the town is that the iPhone 16 Pro might boast a whopping 6.3 inches, up from the current 6.1 inches. That’s a noticeable jump, giving you more room for all your favourite things – watching funny pet videos, playing games, or checking out the latest on social media. But wait, there’s more! The iPhone 16 Pro Max could be an even bigger leap, reaching a massive 6.9 inches from its current 6.7 inches. Imagine all the movies you could fit on that screen during your commute!

Now, if you’re a fan of the regular iPhone or iPhone Plus, don’t fret just yet. These models might not be getting the size treatment this time around. They’re expected to stick with their current screen sizes of 6.1 inches and 6.7 inches respectively.

What else besides the size revolution?

While the standard iPhone 16 might not be growing in size, there’s a chance it could be getting a smoother scrolling experience. Here’s the deal: iPhones have these things called refresh rates, which determine how smooth the scrolling feels. The Pro models currently have a super smooth 120Hz refresh rate. There are rumours that the regular iPhone 16 might finally join the party, giving you a smoother and more enjoyable experience when scrolling through news feeds or reading an ebook.

Note: It’s important to remember that all these are just rumours. Apple hasn’t spilled the beans on the iPhone 16 yet. 

Bigger or Smaller? What do you think it will be?

If a bigger screen is what you crave, the iPhone 16 Pro could be your dream phone. But if you like your iPhone just the way it is, you might be happy sticking with the standard models (and maybe getting that smoother scrolling experience!).

One thing’s for sure – the world of iPhones is always exciting, and the iPhone 16 is shaping up to be no different. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the official release!


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