Artificial intelligence is causing a peculiar yet intriguing phenomenon to occur in the creative industry: the emergence of music that is generated by machines, amidst an era defined by technology’s profound impact on artistic fields. Let your imagination conjure up the...
In the dynamic realm of technology, Nvidia stands out as a key player striving to advance artificial intelligence. On the other hand, Nvidia’s remarkable triumph aside, an unusual circumstance arises: could the prominence of its AI capabilities result in alterations for its...
An AI-powered attack has been developed that can steal passwords by listening to the sound of your keystrokes on a MacBook. Researchers from Durham, Surrey, and Royal Holloway universities have figured out a sneaky way for a computer to listen to...
Google is set to release new wearables in October, causing significant buzz in the tech industry. Google has revolutionized the Fitbit app, ensuring an immersive and personalized health and wellness journey. This redesign is exciting and unique. It moves you toward...
Jack Spiggle is a YouTuber and engineer who goes by the name NanoRobotGeek on YouTube and has converted an Apple Watch into a mechanical timepiece. This Mechanical Apple Watch is a unique and innovative clock that combines the classic look of...
Individuals’ outstanding knowledge and ability in innovation are the vital variables behind the amazing accomplishment of the Ariane 5 rocket. The meaning of this symbol lies in its portrayal of our objectives and the limitless open doors present in the immense universe...
Samsung has released a new update to LockStar, its Good Lock module that allows users to customize the lock screen of their Galaxy devices. The update includes a number of new features like new widgets, improved Always On Display (AOD), and...
In the thrilling universe of motion pictures, where accounts of progress, energy, and imagination unfurl, a wonderful and captivating occasion has grabbed everybody’s eye. Imagine a situation where the motion pictures “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” are participating in a merciless rivalry, competing...
Samsung SDI Reports Record Profit in Q2 2023, thanks to higher EV demand. The company’s revenue during the quarter was KRW 5.84 trillion (around $4.48 billion), while its operating profit was KRW 450.2 billion (around $345.95 million). This was an increase...
Apple is working on a second-generation Apple Watch Ultra. It is expected to be released in the second half of 2023. It will have a larger, more durable case and a longer battery life than the original Apple Watch Ultra. The watch may...
Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have agreed to combat in a cage match. The fight will be live-streamed on X (formerly known as Twitter), and the proceeds will go to charity. Elon Musk announced on Twitter on August 6, 2023, that...
Photoshop Generative Fill is a new tool in Photoshop. It uses artificial intelligence to restore or cover up damaged or missing portions of an image. It is part of the Neural Filters feature set in Photoshop, which also includes tools for photo...